Saturday, 21 May 2016

How to edit quiet hours setting in windows 10 for mobiles?

Its really simple to change or edit the setting of quiet hours in windows 10 phones. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Open your Cortana.

2. Tap on options.

3. Then, Tap on Notebook.

4. After this you will see the option.

5.Tap on that and that's all.

Now you can change it as you like.

Thank you.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

C.B.S.E. Class 6th Science L-1 Practice Questions

Class - 6th

Chapter – 1
Food: Where Does It Come From?

Answer the following questions:-

1.Why is food so important for the body?
2.What do food rich in fibre helps in?
3.Write all the parts of plant from which we can get food?
4.Why seeds are a good source of nutrients?
5.Differentiate between poultry and dairy product?
6.What is honey rich in? Which special property does it have?
7.Explain the following and also write about their special property or feature that they have:-
           a)     Herbivore. b)    Carnivores. c)     Omnivores.
8.How parasites are different from scavengers?
9.What is food chain? Explain in detail?
10.Differentiate between producers and consumers?
11.Explain all types of consumers?
12.Who are decomposers? Explain?

(* Note: If need answers for this paper. Kindly comment your email-id and we will get in touch as soon as possible. Thank You.)